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Formosa GreenBack
Recycled Cushion Backing

A new era in development of high performance and environmental friendly carpet tile cushion backing. In this cushion backing which include 30% of recycled content and also provide the ultimate in comfort and elegance by combining the finest quality with special nature syntheic composite.

Formosa GreenBack is 100% PVC-free and low TVOC with comfortable end belong to the environment pollution-free green building materials, environmental protection, not only to improve the mute function and prolong the life of the carpet 40%. Good product full recycled Nylon -Sunylon, not only comfortable to walk on the leg muscles and can relieve fatigue but also good for our Earth.

Formosa GreenBack grains the Green Label Plus from CRI and Certificate of Healthy Green Building Material in Taiwan.

Formosa GreenBack 是一種高性能環保方塊地毯, 它採用30%回收添加率的舒適底材與NON-PVC之複合材料. 通過SGS 無甲醛/低TVOC之檢測, 更榮獲台灣內政部建築中心健康綠建材標章及美國地毯協會(CRI)之室內空氣質量Green Label Plus認證.

Formosa GreenBack 有獨特舒適性且重量優於同樣使用舒適底的瀝青硬襯墊方塊地毯,在人體工學上可以減緩行走時肌肉緊繃的壓力與減少腿部疲勞.

Formosa GreenBack加上Sunylon 屬於對環境無污染的環保綠建材,不僅提高消音功能且可延長地毯40%的使用年限,舒適 / 環保 / 優雅的結合,是最優質極致的方塊地毯。


Characteristics of Formosa GreenBack 產品特性

* Quiet and comfortable - Soft and comfortable than PVC bottom, also can absorb 10 times more noise ,body relaxed comfortable, effective mitigation of fatigue, it will not appear hard ground and the sole frequent collisions tremor. It create a better environment and comfort of use.

* Insulation - It has good insulation effect in air-conditioned indoor environment, saving energy and reducing carbon very helpful. And also help the air fresh because dust in the air generated by people walking over the PVC floor tiles flying is not easy but will precipitate on the carpet when vacuuming cleaning can be completely sucked clean.

* Green building points - Formosa GreenBack carpet tiles are environmentally friendly building materials, especially grain the Green Label Plus from USA and received the Healthy Green Building Material in Taiwan. Formosa GreenBack, does not contain harmful asbestos, heavy materials, formaldehyde and TVOC benzene harmful gases.

* 安靜舒適 - 比一般PVC底軟而舒適, 更能吸收10倍的噪音,有效緩減疲勞,無硬質地面和鞋底頻繁碰撞震顫感.進而營造出優質舒適感的環境.

* 保溫性佳 - 室內冷氣環境下具有很好的保溫效果,對節能減碳甚優.

* 空氣清新 - 空氣中因人走動所產生灰塵較PVC地磚的地面不易飛揚漂浮在空氣中,灰塵反而會沉澱吸附在地毯的絨毛裡, 降低空氣中塵埃的含量,保持室內空氣清潔。

* 綠建築加分 - 台化地毯之Formosa GreenBack 已具備美國綠建材標誌與台灣綠建材標誌並通過最嚴苛的檢查,不含有害人體的石棉/重金屬/甲醛/苯類有害氣體。

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